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94% of our Customers Recommend us

Easy to implement, easy to use, results that move the dial, so say our customers. Book a demo today and see why we earned a 94% satisfaction rating and 4.7 stars on G2 - The definitive ranking of top customer experience software globally.
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Latest Rankings from the 2021 Grid® Report for Experience Management Software

Satisfaction Ratings

Our customers rated us as one of the best experience management systems for implementation, ease of use, quality of support and most importantly: meeting their business needs. 

G2 Experience Management Software
AskNicely's top features

Top Rated Features

NPS and CES are both cornerstone scores for any service based business. To create awesome experiences, you need high feedback response rates, meaningful data, and positive action. Good news, that's our specialty.

A Leader in Experience Management

We're proud to once again be recognized among the world's best Customer Service Software Providers.

Loved by Real Customers Every Day