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Customer experience
8 min read

Customer experience innovation: 2024 strategies and solutions

AskNicely Team
August 7, 2024
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Customer expectations have undergone a remarkable transformation in the last decade, with today's consumers demanding seamless, personalized experiences. This evolution has placed customer experience (CX) at the forefront of business strategy. As highlighted in AskNicely’s 2024 predictions, staying ahead of these expectations requires constant innovation. However, for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), identifying and implementing these innovations can be particularly challenging due to limited resources, rapidly changing technology, frontline motivation, and the need to understand customer needs deeply. 

Luckily, there are tried and tested solutions for CX innovation. Whether you're grappling with resource constraints or trying to keep pace with the latest CX technologies, we’ve got practical solutions to enhance your customer experience innovations and stay competitive in 2024 and beyond. 

What is customer experience innovation?

Customer experience innovation refers to strategically introducing new methods, ideas, and technologies to enhance how customers perceive and interact with a brand. Unlike general customer service improvements, which focus on incremental changes like faster response times or better customer support, customer experience innovation involves creating new groundbreaking changes that redefine the customer journey. 

Customer experience is made up of every interaction a customer has with a brand across various touchpoints and channels. That means there’s the opportunity to innovate at each of these touchpoints, including: 

  • Website
  • Mobile app
  • Social media
  • Email
  • Customer support (phone, chat, email)
  • In-store experience
  • Product packaging
  • Delivery and shipping
  • Billing and invoicing
  • Online reviews and feedback
  • Post-purchase follow-up
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Loyalty programs

It’s worth noting that to remain competitive, service brands must embrace the concept of continuous improvement at every touchpoint. This involves regularly seeking and acting upon customer feedback to refine and enhance the customer journey. The importance of collecting and analyzing customer feedback cannot be overstated, as it provides invaluable insights into areas needing improvement and opportunities for innovation. For a comprehensive guide on collecting customer feedback, refer to our guide to collecting customer feedback. 

Key elements of customer experience innovation

In the current environment of rapid technological change, several key pillars are essential for CX innovation. These "must-haves" help businesses stay competitive and ensure that they meet evolving customer expectations and deliver exceptional experiences across all touchpoints.


The first pillar – personalization, involves tailoring the customer experience to individual preferences, behaviors, and needs. Ultimately, personalization makes customers feel valued and understood, which can lead to increased loyalty and satisfaction. For example, Netflix’s recommendation algorithm personalizes content suggestions based on viewing history, creating a more engaging user experience. 

Omnichannel excellence

When we talk about omnichannel excellence we’re talking about providing a seamless and consistent customer experience across all channels. That experience could be online, in-store, or through customer support channels. This is crucial because your customers expect to interact with your brand effortlessly, regardless of the platform. 

Think about Starbucks, a brand known for world-class CX that integrates its mobile app with in-store experiences, allowing customers to order ahead, pay, and earn rewards seamlessly. Ensuring an omnichannel approach helps you meet customers where they are, providing convenience and enhancing satisfaction.

Emotional engagement

Finally, emotional engagement focuses on creating a strong emotional connection between the brand and its customers. Experience is all about emotion – how customers feel about your brand directly impacts loyalty. 

A great example of a service brand that excels in emotional engagement is Spotify. Spotify has built a deep emotional connection with its users by personalizing the music experience and creating a sense of belonging. Through features like personalized playlists and Wrapped, Spotify taps into the emotional aspect of music and its role in users' lives.

12 ways to innovate your customer experience

Service brands of all sizes and across industries have the opportunity to innovate their customer experience. Even small changes can make a significant impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. By leveraging customer feedback and utilizing proper tools and technologies, you can drive meaningful improvements to your CX. Here are 12 ways to innovate your customer experience:

1. Automation

Introducing automation to your business can streamline routine tasks and enhance efficiency, so your team can focus on using human interaction to personalized experiences.  Automation is essential for improving response times, reducing operational costs, and freeing up critical resources for customer-facing teams. 

2. Self-service options

Self-service options empower customers to find answers and solve issues independently through knowledge bases, FAQs, and automated chatbots. This innovation is vital for improving customer satisfaction because it provides quick and accessible solutions. For example, many banks offer robust online portals where customers can manage accounts, transfer funds, and troubleshoot without direct support.

3. Loyalty programs

Loyalty programs reward customers for their repeat business, and foster long-term relationships. These programs are crucial for increasing customer retention and driving engagement. Look for ways to innovate your loyalty program that differs from your competitors and delivers on what matters most to your customers. 

4. Personalized communication

Personalized communication involves tailoring messages and interactions based on a customer’s data and preferences. If you want to make your customers feel valued and important, this strategy is a must. Customers also report that they’re more likely to do business with a company that personalizes the experience. Amazon excels at personalized communication by recommending products based on past purchases and browsing history, enhancing the shopping experience.

5. Community building

Community building creates a sense of belonging among customers by fostering interactions and engagement within a brand’s ecosystem. This approach is critical as it strengthens customer loyalty and advocacy. For instance, Lego’s online community allows fans to share their creations and participate in collaborative projects, enhancing their connection to the brand.

6. Embrace social media

Embracing social media involves using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram to engage with customers, address concerns, and share relevant content. If you want to see an awesome example of a brand that leverages social media to innovate and resonate with its audience, check out Wendy’s Twitter feed – it’s a sure laugh. 

7. AI-powered chatbots

AI-powered chatbots provide instant, 24/7 customer support by handling routine inquiries and guiding users through common issues. This innovation is crucial for improving response times and customer satisfaction. For example, Sephora’s chatbot assists customers with product recommendations and beauty tips, enhancing the online shopping experience.

8. Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics uses data and machine learning to anticipate customer needs and behaviors, allowing service brands to proactively address issues and personalize interactions (rather than reacting to customer complaints). This approach is essential for staying ahead of customer expectations. It’s all about staying one step ahead of your customers, which in turn will help you stay one step ahead of your competitors. 

9. Virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR)

VR and AR create immersive experiences that allow customers to interact with products in new ways. VR has the potential to create some of the most magical and memorable experiences for your customers. For example, Ikea’s AR app lets customers visualize how furniture will look in their homes, making the purchasing decision inspiring and exciting. 

10. Subscription services

Subscription services offer customers convenience and regular delivery of products or services, fostering ongoing relationships and predictable revenue streams. This model is significant for building customer loyalty and providing consistent value. Companies like Dollar Shave Club have revolutionized the personal care industry by offering subscription-based delivery of shaving products.

11. Gamification

Gamification involves incorporating game-like elements into the customer experience to drive engagement and motivation. This innovation is important for making interactions more enjoyable and rewarding. Fitness apps like Strava use gamification by allowing users to compete in challenges and earn badges, encouraging regular use and community participation.

12. Advanced analytics

Finally, advanced analytics leverage big data to uncover insights and trends that can inform CX strategies. This is essential for understanding customer behavior and making data-driven decisions to drive innovation. For instance, First Commonwealth Federal Credit Union uses the AskNicely AI themes feature which analyzes every bit of feedback coming in from customer surveys and categorizes it into themes, providing managers with an up-to-the-minute dashboard view of what customers care about and what’s having the biggest impact on NPS.

Customer experience innovation examples

Innovative customer experience practices can significantly enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty, and business growth. Let’s take a look at some companies that have successfully implemented CX innovations. 


Amazon is renowned for its continuous focus on customer-centric innovation. One of its most notable innovations is the recommendation algorithm, which personalizes the shopping experience by suggesting products based on browsing and purchase history. This personalization has increased sales and enhanced customer satisfaction by making shopping more convenient and enjoyable. Plus, Amazon's implementation of one-click purchasing and the introduction of Amazon Prime’s fast, free shipping, has set new standards for customer expectations in the e-commerce industry.


Tesla has revolutionized the automotive industry with its innovative approach to customer experience. The company’s direct-to-consumer sales model eliminates the traditional dealership experience, providing a more transparent and customer-friendly purchasing process. Tesla’s over-the-air software updates allow customers to receive new features and improvements without visiting a service center, enhancing convenience and maintaining customer satisfaction. 


Duolingo, a popular language-learning platform, uses gamification to make learning a new language engaging and fun. The app incorporates game-like elements such as points, levels, and rewards to motivate users and keep them engaged. This innovative approach has significantly increased user retention and made language learning accessible to millions of people worldwide. Duolingo’s emphasis on user engagement and continuous improvement through customer feedback has helped it become one of the most successful educational apps on the market.

Warby Parker

Warby Parker has disrupted the eyewear industry with its innovative approach to customer experience. The company offers a home try-on program, allowing customers to select and try on five pairs of glasses at home before making a purchase. This convenient and risk-free approach has greatly improved the shopping experience for eyewear customers. Warby Parker also leverages technology to provide personalized recommendations and seamless online and in-store experiences. 


Cleo, a UK-based fintech startup, has transformed the banking experience with its AI-powered chatbot that helps users manage their finances. Cleo’s innovative use of artificial intelligence provides personalized financial advice, tracks spending, and helps users save money. This approach has made financial management more accessible and engaging, particularly for younger users who prefer digital solutions. Cleo’s emphasis on user-friendly, conversational interfaces has set a new standard in the fintech industry. 


Beauty brand Glossier has built a strong community-driven customer experience by leveraging social media and customer feedback. The company engages directly with its customers on platforms like Instagram, using their input to develop new products and improve existing ones. Glossier’s emphasis on creating a dialogue with its audience has fostered a loyal customer base and a sense of community. This innovative approach has not only driven sales but also created a brand that resonates deeply with its customers.


Airbnb has transformed the travel industry with its peer-to-peer lodging platform. The company’s focus on creating unique, personalized travel experiences has set it apart from traditional hospitality providers. Airbnb’s use of user-generated reviews and ratings ensures high-quality experiences for guests. Additionally, the platform’s host community provides personalized local insights, enhancing the overall travel experience. Airbnb’s innovative approach has made it a popular choice for travelers seeking authentic and unique accommodations.

These examples demonstrate that CX innovation can come in various forms and can significantly impact business success. By prioritizing customer needs, leveraging technology, and continuously seeking feedback, businesses of all sizes can create exceptional customer experiences that drive loyalty and growth. To discover more of the latest strategies and best practices companies are using to delight customers, explore AskNicely's collection of customer experience resources.

Why is customer experience innovation important?

Customer experience innovation is essential for creating value across the board—benefiting customers, businesses, and employees alike. According to a McKinsey report, 84% of business executives agree that innovation is critical to their growth. 

Business performance

CX innovation directly impacts business performance by enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty, which in turn leads to increased revenue and profitability. For instance, companies that focus on improving CX have been shown to experience revenue growth up to 10 to 15% higher than their competitors. Metrics such as net promoter score (NPS) and customer satisfaction score (CSAT) are valuable for measuring the return on CX investments. 

Competitive advantage

Innovating CX can provide a significant competitive advantage by differentiating a business from its competitors. Companies that offer superior customer experiences often enjoy higher market share and brand loyalty. For example, Apple’s emphasis on a seamless user experience with its ecosystem of products and services has set it apart in the tech industry. Metrics like customer retention rate (CRR) and market share can help measure the effectiveness of CX innovations in gaining a competitive edge.

Customer expectations

Meeting and exceeding customer expectations is crucial for retaining customers and fostering positive, long-standing relationships. As consumer expectations continue to rise, businesses must innovate to stay relevant and provide experiences that meet these demands. Tracking customer effort scores (CES) and customer feedback can help gauge how well a business is meeting evolving expectations.

In all these areas, customer feedback and analysis play a pivotal role in driving CX innovation. By continuously gathering and acting on customer insights, service brands can refine their strategies, address pain points, and enhance overall performance. 

Drive CX innovation with AskNicely

AskNicely is a powerful and easy-to-use customer experience platform designed to drive innovation and improvements for organizations of all sizes, from enterprise companies to small and medium-sized businesses. Our platform helps teams collect, analyze, and act on customer feedback to foster continuous improvement and enhance overall CX.


With AskNicely, users can effortlessly send customizable email, web, or SMS surveys to gather valuable customer feedback. This flexibility ensures that you can reach customers through their preferred channels and capture insights that are crucial for innovation. Whether you're seeking feedback on recent interactions or overall satisfaction, AskNicely makes it easy to collect data that drives meaningful change.


Our feedback analytics tool provides teams with truly actionable insights by enabling detailed analysis of customer responses. Users can compare feedback across different locations and branches to spot trends and areas for improvement. Plus, AskNicely’s new AI theme analysis feature leverages artificial intelligence to identify key themes and patterns in customer feedback, making it easier to understand and act on customer sentiments.


AskNicely’s transformation tools help gamify customer service and support frontline teams in executing CX innovation strategies. By integrating gamification elements and providing actionable insights, AskNicely empowers employees to enhance their interactions and contribute to a culture of continuous improvement. This approach aligns with best practices for maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction and operational excellence.

Ready to see how AskNicely can revolutionize your customer experience? Book a demo today to explore how our platform can drive innovation and elevate your CX strategies.

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