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Customer experience insights: Definition & best practices

AskNicely Team
September 4, 2024
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Talking about customer experience (CX) was once the domain of big companies with bigger budgets. But today, every customer expects a great experience, whether you're a one location, 20-location, or thousand-location business. 

We know that awesome customer experiences start with awesome insights — what do your customers love the most about their experience? What do they dislike? How could you improve?

Today, CX trends are driven by digital interactions, personalization, and the need for omni-channel approaches that meet customers wherever they are. But navigating these waters isn’t easy, many businesses struggle to manage customer expectations and streamline feedback from various channels.

To help you on your CX journey, let’s explore what CX insights are, why they matter, and how you can use them to drive repeat business and referrals for your business. From collecting valuable data to analyzing it for actionable steps, we’ll break down best practices that will help you stay ahead in the CX game.

What are customer experience insights?

Customer experience insights are the actionable revelations derived from analyzing patterns and trends in customer behavior and feedback. Unlike general feedback, which may consist of one-off comments or isolated experiences, CX insights provide a deeper understanding of customer sentiments by revealing consistent behaviors and preferences across various touchpoints. These insights help businesses pinpoint what's working and what needs improvement in the customer journey, ultimately driving more informed decision-making.

The key to unlocking meaningful insights lies in aggregating data from multiple touchpoints to paint a comprehensive picture of the customer experience. By combining qualitative and quantitative data, you can identify trends that may not be apparent when looking at individual feedback alone. 

To get started, check out our ultimate guide to collecting customer feedback. 

When you harness CX insights effectively, you can enhance the customer journey, increase satisfaction, and make data-driven improvements that lead to lasting customer loyalty.

Top examples of customer experience insights

There are various types of customer experience insights, each providing unique perspectives on how customers interact with your business and how you can improve their overall experience. These include behavioral insights, emotional insights, and operational insights — all of which are essential for understanding the full picture of your customers' journeys and making data-driven improvements. 

Behavioral insights

Behavioral insights delve into how customers interact with your products, services, and overall brand. By analyzing customer behaviors, businesses can identify patterns, preferences, and pain points throughout the customer journey. These insights help refine user experiences and anticipate future actions. For example, a retail company might analyze online browsing habits to personalize product recommendations and enhance conversion rates. Tracking behavioral insights helps you optimize the customer experience based on actual actions rather than assumptions. 

Emotional insights

Emotional insights focus on how customers feel about their interactions with your brand, revealing the underlying sentiments driving their behaviors. Emotions are a powerful predictor of loyalty; positive emotional connections can lead to long-term relationships, while negative emotions can drive customers away. For instance, a hotel chain might gather emotional insights from post-stay surveys, discovering that personalized attention during check-in leads to higher satisfaction. With this knowledge, they can invest in training staff to deliver more personalized service, ultimately boosting customer loyalty.

Operational insights

Operational insights pertain to the internal processes and systems that influence the customer experience. By analyzing these, you can identify inefficiencies or gaps that may negatively impact CX. 

For example, a telecommunications company might use operational insights to discover that delays in customer service response times are due to outdated ticketing systems. Addressing these bottlenecks can streamline operations, reduce friction in the customer journey, and lead to quicker resolutions. Operational insights ensure that your backend processes and workflows are aligned with delivering a superior customer experience.

How to use customer experience insights

Collecting and analyzing customer experience insights is only half the battle. The real value comes from leveraging these insights to offer an exceptional customer experience. Without meaningful action, data remains just that — data. Let’s explore some key ways to put your CX insights to work and how you can measure their impact on your business.

Personalizing customer interactions

One of the most effective uses of CX insights is to personalize customer interactions. Personalization goes beyond using a customer’s first name; it involves tailoring the entire experience based on the customer's preferences, behaviors, and past interactions. For instance, by analyzing customer purchase history and engagement data, businesses can deliver customized product recommendations or targeted marketing messages. Personalizing interactions not only enhances customer satisfaction but also increases the likelihood of repeat purchases. Success can be measured by tracking metrics such as conversion rates, customer retention, and increased lifetime value.

Improving products and services

CX insights offer invaluable feedback for refining and improving products and services. For example, a pest control company may use insights from customer feedback to develop new offerings or improve existing ones.  This kind of responsiveness to customer needs builds trust, loyalty, and customer satisfaction. 

Optimizing customer journeys

Optimizing the customer journey involves using CX insights to streamline and enhance every touchpoint a customer encounters, from initial awareness to post-purchase support. Insights can reveal pain points or areas where customers drop off, enabling businesses to refine processes and remove friction. For example, a dermatology clinic may notice that patients complain about long wait times.  By analyzing the journey, they might discover that sending SMS reminders to patients helps them be on time for their appointments, reducing wait times and improving efficiency. 

Best practices for collecting & analyzing customer experience insights

Collecting and analyzing customer experience insights can be a challenging task for many teams. Limited resources, lack of expertise in data analysis, and the difficulty of integrating data from various sources are just a few of the hurdles businesses face. To help you navigate these challenges, we’ve compiled a list of best practices that can make the process more manageable and actionable for your team. 

Collect data from multiple sources at various touchpoints

To get a complete picture of your overall customer experience, it’s crucial to collect data from diverse sources such as surveys, social media, customer reviews, and direct feedback. By gathering data from multiple sources and touchpoints, you can track the entire customer journey and ensure that no significant interactions are overlooked. 

Utilize advanced analytics tools

The ability to analyze CX insights quickly and accurately is critical. Advanced analytics tools help uncover patterns in customer behavior and identify trends that might be missed by manual processes. AI Themes from AskNicely analyzes every bit of feedback coming in from customer surveys and categorizes it into themes, providing managers with an up-to-the-minute dashboard view of what customers care about and what’s having the biggest impact on NPS.

Implement regular feedback loops

Regular feedback loops ensure that customer insights are continuously integrated into your decision-making processes. Creating a system where feedback is regularly collected, responded to and analyzed can significantly improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Segment your audience

Not all customers are the same, so segmenting your audience based on demographics, behaviors, or purchase history allows for more targeted insights. This practice helps you understand the specific needs and preferences of different customer groups, making it easier to personalize their experience. Segmentation can also reveal trends that might otherwise go unnoticed in broader datasets.

Ensure data quality and consistency

Data is only as valuable as its quality. Ensuring that your data is accurate, up-to-date, and consistent across sources is vital for making reliable decisions. Regular audits of data entry processes and validation protocols can help maintain high-quality data that leads to more trustworthy insights.

Visualize data effectively

Data visualization helps translate complex data sets into clear, actionable insights that teams across the business can understand. Tools like AskNicely's dashboards make it easier to see trends, spot outliers, and present findings to stakeholders in a meaningful way. Effective visualization allows for faster decision-making and better alignment across departments. 

Foster cross-departmental collaboration

For CX insights to have a significant impact, they need to be shared across teams, including marketing, product development, customer service, and operations. Encouraging collaboration ensures that insights are acted upon from all angles, leading to a more cohesive and effective customer experience strategy.

Train and upskill your team

Finally, make sure your frontline team is equipped with the right skills to collect, analyze, and act on customer experience insights. Providing regular training and upskilling opportunities ensures your team stays ahead of the curve and can maximize the value of the data they work with..

Monitor and measure impact

Once you've implemented changes based on CX insights, it's essential to monitor the impact and measure success. Tracking key customer experience metrics will help you understand the effectiveness of your efforts and highlight areas that may need further improvement. 

Why are customer experience insights important?

Customer experience insights are more than a tool for improving customer interactions; they’re a strategic asset that can shape critical business decisions, and improve your bottom line. These insights inform everything from product development and marketing strategies to service improvements, helping you stay ahead of your competitors. By understanding customer behavior, preferences, and pain points, you can make more informed decisions that drive higher revenue, growth and innovation. 

CX insights also play a vital role in identifying pain points within the customer journey. By analyzing feedback and behavioral patterns, you’re able to uncover areas where customers are experiencing friction, such as complicated checkout processes or slow response times. Armed with this knowledge, you can innovate and implement solutions that streamline the customer experience, resulting in higher satisfaction and fewer lost opportunities.

From enhancing brand reputation to identifying market trends with market research, the importance of CX insights cannot be overstated. They offer a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction
  • Increased customer loyalty and retention
  • Improved product and service development
  • Effective marketing strategies
  • Optimized customer journeys
  • Increased revenue
  • Competitive advantage
  • Informed business decisions
  • Proactive issue resolution
  • Better employee engagement
  • Efficient resource allocation
  • Personalized customer experiences
  • Reducing customer churn 

When applied effectively, customer data can transform your business, turning customer feedback into actionable strategies that drive long-term success for both your company, your customers and your employees. 

How can AskNicely help collect & manage customer experience insights?

AskNicely is a powerful, easy-to-use customer experience management platform trusted by world-class organizations across industries. It enables businesses to collect, analyze, and transform massive amounts of feedback from various sources into actionable insights. By simplifying CX management, AskNicely helps businesses tackle the challenges of collecting, analyzing, and acting on customer insights—turning them into concrete strategies that drive growth and satisfaction. 

With AskNicely you can; 


AskNicely enables businesses to send customizable email, web, or SMS surveys to gather customer feedback in real-time. Whether you're gathering insights from one location or across multiple branches, the platform makes it easy to collect data at every stage of the customer journey.


The Assess feature acts as a mission control center for measuring and improving your CX metrics. It allows you to compare performance across locations and branches (hello segmentation!), helping you spot trends and address any issues before they impact customer satisfaction. AskNicely’s new AI theme analysis feature also automates the identification of common themes in feedback, allowing you to act quickly on emerging issues or opportunities.


AskNicely helps you gamify customer service and support for your frontline teams, keeping them motivated and aligned with your CX goals. By providing real-time feedback and recognition, it activates your employees to deliver exceptional service at every touchpoint, which in turn enhances the customer experience.


With a broad range of integrations, AskNicely seamlessly connects with your existing tools, turning customer insights into action across your entire organization. Whether integrating with your CRM, help desk, or marketing automation platform, AskNicely ensures that no piece of feedback is overlooked and every insight can be leveraged to improve the customer experience.

Ready to take your customer experience to the next level? Book a demo today and discover how AskNicely can help you turn customer insights into action.

AskNicely Team
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AskNicely Team

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