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Customer service vs. customer experience: A complete guide

AskNicely Team
September 18, 2024
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Customer service vs customer experience: A complete guide

Customer service and customer experience are often used interchangeably, but there are important differences between the distinct concepts. At a high level, customer service refers to the direct assistance and support offered to customers during interactions with a business, whereas customer experience encompasses the entire journey a customer has with your brand, from the first point of contact to post-purchase follow-up. While customer service is a crucial element of the customer experience, it is just one part of a broader, more comprehensive relationship.

Both customer service and customer experience play pivotal roles in influencing customer loyalty and retention. However, many businesses mistakenly treat them as the same, which can lead to strategies that don’t fully capitalize on their strengths.

In this complete guide, we’ll clarify the differences and connections between customer service and customer experience, and offer actionable insights to help you improve both. You’ll learn how to refine your approach to customer service, enhance the overall customer experience, and integrate these elements to drive repeat business, referrals, and growth. 

What is customer service?

Customer service refers to the direct interactions between a customer and a customer-facing staff member during the purchasing process and beyond. It’s typically reactive, addressing customer issues, inquiries, and complaints as they arise. From resolving technical problems to assisting with product returns, good customer service is a critical touchpoint that can significantly influence a customer’s perception of your brand.

Customer service can be delivered across various channels, including phone, email, live chat, social media, and in-person interactions. In our fast-paced, digitally connected world, offering omnichannel support is non-negotiable. Customers expect seamless service regardless of the platform, and businesses that meet this expectation are more likely to build loyalty.

Key elements of excellent customer service

  • Timeliness and responsiveness: Quick response times are mission critical. . Customers expect timely help when they reach out with an issue, and delays can lead to frustration, dissatisfaction and ultimately customer churn.

  • Clear communication: Excellent customer service doesn’t exist without excellent communication. Customers appreciate clear, concise information, whether it's explaining a product, outlining a process, or resolving an issue.

  • Empathy and understanding: Showing empathy helps create a positive emotional connection with customers. By understanding their frustrations, customer service representatives can better address their needs and improve their overall experience.

  • Consistency: Consistent service ensures that customers receive the same high level of support every time they interact with your company no matter what branch, location or customer support representative they deal with. High levels of customer service consistently foster trust and reliability that cultivate brand loyalty.

  • Accessibility: Customers should be able to reach support through their preferred channels, whether it’s by phone, email, chat, or social media. Ensuring that your support team is easy to contact is key to a great customer service experience.

Metrics to measure customer service

To continuously improve your customer service, it’s essential to track and measure performance. 

Here are some key metrics to monitor:

  • First response time (FRT): This metric tracks the average time it takes for your team to respond to a customer inquiry. Faster response times typically lead to higher customer satisfaction.

  • Average resolution time (ART): ART measures the average time it takes to resolve a customer issue from start to finish.

  • First contact resolution (FCR): FCR tracks the percentage of customer issues resolved on the first interaction, which is a critical indicator of efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Service level agreement (SLA) compliance: This metric measures how well your team meets predefined service level expectations, such as responding within a certain time frame or resolving issues within a specific period.

  • Ticket volume: Monitoring ticket volume helps you understand the demand on your customer service team and identify any trends or recurring issues that need to be addressed.

Two standout companies renowned for exceptional customer service are Zappos and Amazon. Both have built a reputation for going above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction at every opportunity. 

What is customer experience?

In comparison, customer experience (CX) is the holistic perception a customer has of a brand based on all interactions throughout the customer journey. Unlike customer service, which is often reactive, CX is proactive, designed to create positive impressions at every stage, from the first touchpoint to the post-purchase follow-up. CX encompasses all the ways a customer interacts with a company, whether online or in person, and shapes their overall impression of the brand.

At the core of customer experience are touchpoints made up of every instance when a customer engages with your business. Customer journey mapping, from initial awareness to post-purchase follow-up, helps companies identify opportunities to improve these touchpoints and provide a seamless, enjoyable experience that leaves customers talking about your brand. Using metrics to track the success of these efforts over time is one of the best ways to see improvement, and where the changes your team is implementing are making a difference. 

Key elements of excellent customer experience:

  • Personalization: Customers expect personalized experiences tailored to their needs and preferences. By leveraging data, brands can offer recommendations, communication, and services that feel custom-made for each customer.

  • Seamless customer journey: A great customer experience means offering a consistent and seamless journey across all touchpoints. From browsing online to receiving follow-up support, customers should encounter minimal friction both off and online.
  • Proactive customer engagement: Engaging customers before they encounter a problem or have to ask for help shows that your brand cares about their experience. Whether it's personalized offers, follow-up communications, or timely support, proactive engagement can prevent issues before they arise.

  • Emotional connection: Strong CX creates an emotional connection between the customer and the brand. This connection builds loyalty and can turn customers into brand advocates who are more likely to return and refer others.

  • Customer feedback loop: An essential part of any great CX strategy is creating a feedback loop, where customers’ thoughts and opinions are collected, analyzed, and acted upon. By continuously improving based on real-time feedback, brands can better meet customer needs and expectations.

Metrics to measure customer experience:

  • Net promoter score (NPS): NPS measures how likely customers are to recommend your brand to others, offering insight into customer loyalty.

  • Customer effort score (CES): CES tracks how easy it is for customers to complete tasks with your company. Lower effort typically correlates with higher customer satisfaction.

  • Customer satisfaction score (CSAT): CSAT gauges how satisfied customers are with a specific interaction or overall experience, often on a scale of 1 to 5.

  • Customer lifetime value (CLV): CLV estimates the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer throughout their relationship with the brand.

  • Customer retention rate: This metric tracks the percentage of customers a company retains over a given period, which can be a good indicator of how effective your CX efforts are.

Companies like Disney are renowned for creating unforgettable customer experiences that go beyond just great service. Their commitment to storytelling and creating magical experiences extends to every aspect of their guest interactions. Whether at their theme parks, resorts, or entertainment properties, Disney goes above and beyond to exceed guest expectations.

Customer service vs customer experience: Key differences

Customer service and customer experience are often conflated, but they represent different aspects of a customer’s interaction with a brand.

The main difference is that customer service refers specifically to the direct assistance and support provided to customers during their interactions with a company. It’s typically reactive, addressing customer inquiries, issues, or problems as they arise. For example, resolving a problem with an order or answering a question about a product falls under customer service. 

On the other hand, customer experience encompasses the overall perception and satisfaction a customer has with a brand throughout their entire journey. This includes every interaction and point of contact, from initial awareness and purchase to post-purchase support and follow-up. CX is proactive, aiming to create positive impressions at every stage and build a comprehensive understanding of how customers feel about the brand.

How they influence customer perception:

  • Customer service impacts immediate satisfaction. A positive customer service experience can quickly resolve issues, leading to a satisfied customer in the short term. However, if customer service is lacking, it can lead to frustration and a negative view of the brand, even if other aspects of the experience are positive.

  • Customer experience affects long-term loyalty and brand advocacy. It encompasses the entire customer journey and how customers feel about their interactions with the brand over time. A well-designed CX strategy can foster loyalty, increase customer retention, and turn customers into advocates who promote the brand to others.

It’s important to understand that customer service is a crucial component of customer experience, but it is just one part of the larger picture. While excellent customer service can enhance the overall customer experience, creating a positive and memorable customer journey requires a broader focus on all touchpoints and interactions with the brand.

Why are customer service and customer experience important?

Providing excellent customer service and creating a superior customer experience are crucial for any people-powered business aiming for long-term success. 

Here’s why they matter:

  • Customer retention: Exceptional customer service and experience help retain customers, reducing the cost of acquiring new ones. Companies with strong customer retention strategies see 5% to 10% increases in revenue.

  • Customer loyalty: A great customer experience fosters loyalty, leading customers to continue doing business with you. Loyalty programs backed by excellent service see higher customer engagement and repeat purchases.

  • Brand reputation: Positive customer experiences build a strong brand reputation. For instance, brands like Apple and Disney have earned high praise and trust due to their commitment to customer experience, which in turn enhances their overall market position.

  • Competitive advantage: A superior customer experience differentiates your brand from competitors. In a crowded marketplace, offering an exceptional experience can be a key factor in attracting and retaining customers.

  • Increased revenue: Businesses that prioritize customer experience often see a direct impact on their revenue. To see how customer experience management could boost your revenue, check out our free ROI calculator.
  • Customer satisfaction: Satisfied customers are more likely to return and recommend your brand. Effective customer service directly impacts customer satisfaction scores, which are linked to higher retention and repeat business.

  • Word-of-mouth referrals: Happy customers are more likely to refer others. For example, Starbucks leverages its customer experience to generate word-of-mouth referrals, driving new business through satisfied customer recommendations.

  • Reduced churn rates: Providing excellent service and experience reduces churn rates, meaning customers are less likely to switch to competitors. Reducing churn is vital, as acquiring new customers can be at least five times more expensive than retaining existing ones.

  • Enhanced customer insights: Engaging with customers and understanding their experiences provide valuable insights into their preferences and behaviors. This feedback helps tailor offerings and improve strategies, as seen with companies using customer data to refine their services.

  • Employee satisfaction and engagement: A focus on customer experience often correlates with higher employee satisfaction. Employees who see their work positively impacting customer experiences are more engaged and motivated, leading to better performance and lower turnover.

How to improve customer service and customer experience

Improving both customer service and customer experience can lead to significant benefits, including enhanced customer loyalty, better insights into customer needs, and a stronger competitive position. 

Here are key strategies to consider:

Ensure you have a cohesive strategy for both

Having a unified strategy for customer service and customer experience ensures that both elements align with your overall business goals. This integration helps create a seamless customer journey, where every interaction, from support to product use, enhances the customer’s perception of your brand. A cohesive approach allows you to address issues comprehensively and build a stronger, more consistent brand experience.

Implement comprehensive training programs

Investing in comprehensive training programs for your team is crucial for delivering excellent customer service and experience. Training should cover communication skills, problem-solving techniques, and empathy to ensure that every team member can effectively interact with customers and handle various scenarios. Well-trained staff are better equipped to meet customer needs and provide consistent, high-quality service.

Gather and act on customer feedback

Collecting and acting on customer feedback is essential for improving both customer service and experience. Use feedback to identify pain points, measure satisfaction, and uncover areas for improvement. Ensure you have a clear process for collecting, responding, and analyzing customer feedback. A CX platform like AskNicely can help you do this at scale.  

Empower and engage employees

Empowering and engaging employees can significantly enhance customer service and experience. Provide your team with access to real-time feedback, the authority to make decisions and solve problems, and involve them in creating strategies for improving customer interactions. Engaged employees who feel valued and trusted are more likely to deliver exceptional service and contribute positively to the customer experience.

Leverage technology and automation

Utilizing technology and automation can streamline processes and improve efficiency in customer service and experience management. CX software can help manage customer interactions, track feedback, and analyze data. However, it’s important to balance technological solutions with the “human touch” to maintain genuine, personal interactions. 

How can AskNicely help?

AskNicely is an intuitive platform trusted by leading organizations worldwide to enhance both customer service and overall customer experience. Our suite of features is designed to address the tips mentioned earlier, making it easier for you to implement effective strategies and drive continuous improvement.


With AskNicely, you can effortlessly collect feedback through customizable email, web, or SMS surveys, including NPS, 5-Star, CSAT, or customer effort score. This flexibility allows you to capture valuable insights across various touchpoints, helping you address immediate concerns and gather comprehensive data for analysis.


Our platform provides a powerful mission control to measure and enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. You can compare performance across different locations and branches to identify trends and leverage AskNicely’s new AI theme analysis feature to gain deeper insights into customer feedback, making it easier to pinpoint areas for improvement.


AskNicely includes built-in response, escalation, and workflow management tools to streamline your feedback process. These tools ensure that customer concerns are addressed promptly and effectively, enabling you to close the loop on feedback and improve overall service quality.


Transform your customer service approach with AskNicely’s gamification features for frontline teams. Our platform provides real-time visibility into NPS/CSAT scores and actionable areas for improvement, helping employees stay motivated and focused on enhancing their service delivery.


Seamlessly integrate AskNicely with your existing systems using our extensive range of integrations. This connectivity helps turn insights into actionable steps, fostering continuous improvement and ensuring a cohesive approach to managing customer experience.

For additional resources, check out AskNicely’s library of hundreds of blogs and resources filled with tips for boosting employee engagement and enhancing customer experience.

Ready to elevate your customer service and experience? Book a demo with our team to see how AskNicely can make a difference for your organization.


AskNicely Team
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AskNicely Team

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