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8 min read

How GenAI will shape the future of customer experiences

Paul Shingles
August 29, 2024
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Businesses are jumping at the chance to integrate generative AI into their products and services. In fact, research shows that 64% of business owners believe AI will improve customer relationships. At AskNicely, we want AI to help businesses create better customer experiences every day. That’s why we’re creating features that use AI to make it easier for our customers to provide top-tier customer experiences while learning and improving along the way.

Introducing NiceAI

In the coming weeks and months, you’ll see AskNicely launch new AI features for our customers. We’re proud to be at the forefront of thoughtfully leveraging AI to create world-class people-powered businesses.

At AskNicely, we see AI as more than just a trend — it’s a tool for transformation and growth. Artificial intelligence can automate and optimize many elements of customer experience management, including responding to and assessing feedback quickly But we believe its true potential lies in augmenting, not replacing, the human touch that drives five-star service experiences and business growth.

The foundations of NiceAI

During our recent hackathon, we brought together engineers and experts in customer experience to develop AI solutions centered around our customers. Our goal was to add AI into our existing platform in a way that helped free up time for users to spend on what matters most: creating great experiences for their customers, every time. This means creating AI solutions that are true value adds, not solutions for the sake of following the AI trend. We wanted to create tools that make it faster and easier to identify key areas for improvement. Cutting out some of the noise that comes with feedback makes it easier to act and improve the quality of the experiences our customers are offering.

To do so, we created new AI principles to ground all the features within NiceAI:

  • Customer-centricity: All AI initiatives should enhance the customer experience and provide meaningful value. Our goal is to provide our users with the tools to enhance their customer experience management while maintaining their authenticity with their customers.
  • Innovation and adaptability: Stay at the forefront of AI innovation while being adaptable to change. Remain open to the changing environment and avoid being constrained by what was or what is, rather embracing what could be. 
  • Data privacy and security: All data will be stored on AskNicely’s servers in AWS and all processing stays within your nominated data center. We don't use customer data to train public AI models and we keep your customer data — including your AI insights — separate from each other.
  • Enhancing, not replacing: AI serves to improve efficiency and effectiveness while providing deeper knowledge to help improve personal interactions and enhance customer focus.
  • Meaningful action: Use AI to make feedback more actionable, not just for its own sake. We will focus AI efforts on making it easier and faster for customer-facing teams to act on feedback, enhancing the feedback-giving experience and helping you translate that into action and improvement.

What’s next?

Over the next few months, we’ll release new NiceAI features aimed at pain points we know potential customers and customers are experiencing. Most feedback solutions, AI-powered or otherwise, will generally tell you what you already know. But AskNicely’s conversational surveys generate more insight in one interaction than other providers can generate in 25 questions. 

We will take this one step further and identify the emerging trends that customers don’t yet know about, allowing them to take action before problems arise. We’ll also release AI that can help tailor the customer experience without putting more stress on your customer-facing teams. This tool will be aimed at personalizing the customer experience to help customers feel more valued and understood. 

Stay tuned for more information and an official launch of these new features coming soon! To be one of the first to know about the new launch, sign up here.

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Paul Shingles
About the author

Paul Shingles

Paul Shingles is the Chief Product Officer at AskNicely. He leads all aspects of product development, including design and engineering and has a wealth of experience in product development and an infectious enthusiasm for innovation.

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